
Archive for April, 2009

Alien Sighting

Strange Days at CM&L

Strange Days at CM&L

Not really sure what to say….

It came from another dimension, another time, another planet, but what is it – or rather, she?

Workers at Conant Metal & Light heard a loud screeching sound and a crash outside of the building.  On further investigations a female alien was seen scurying away from the crashed spaceship.

Caution tape and cones were placed to keep pedestrions out of harms way.

Caution tape and cones were placed to keep pedestrians out of harms way.

Initial tests showed radioactive ratings were through the roof.  Respirators and suits were worn during all of the testing, though our beloved Chris Caswell ripped his suit and is now in quarintine.

The fumes were awful and a green ooze was seem coming from the crashed ship.

The fumes were awful and a green ooze was seen coming from the crashed ship.

 Check out the video published by our local paper, The Burlington Free Press:


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